

Sunday, August 28, 2011

diy clean dirty signs..

with our new house comes a "new to us" dishwasher.
so we needed a sign to let all in the house know what's
going on with the dishwasher.
here is my answer..a tiny clothespin w/a magnet
and a piece of card stock w/stickers.
i also will put clear contact paper over both sides to
make a cheap laminate to keep the stickers on.
i will prob add more stickers to the dirty side. i like the colors.

i thought it turned out pretty well considering the hardest part
was hunting my craft supplies out of boxes.:)
i love these new house crafts!!

last week...

our first house guest to sleep at our new house.
sweet baby samuel was so tired.
love sweet sleepy babies.

this is one of a few pictures i took last week that i really like.
this one is just great colors!

these sweet angels were watching school buses go by.
this was on our long walk which they can now do without a stroller.
these boys are growing up too fast.
everyday i ask them to stay this size and a half is the best age.

this picture cracked me up.
look at his teeth, his eyebrows and his hat.
to me this picture says yehaw yall wanna go fishin'??
i love it! he is such a ham!

this was my week in picutures.
i love my life so much.:)

the alabama bathroom..

with a new home comes new decorating ideas.
this is the beginning of the alabama bathroom.
just to clarify...this is the state of alabama not the football team.
[no crimson and grey in this house;)]

the picture below is my alabama angel which helped this come to life
in my head. she was in my craft room but i would like everyone
to see her.:)

my next favorite part of the alabama bathroom is the vintage map
i got off etsy. i love it and it fits this bathroom perfectly.

there are also two pictures on either side of the angel
one of a building at my college una.
the other is popes tavern a site to see in our little town.
this bathroom is a work in progress but i love it!
i already have a great friend who has found some art for it!
i cannot wait to post about that piece.
it's a vintage alabama picture her dad took!(amazing!!)
the other piece in this bathroom is a kids book called
A is for goes thru the ABCs of the state of Alabama things.
i love it. it was a gift from my sweet momma!
i am from alabama and i love my state now those that visit can
see my love for it. hurray!:)

this bench was a great find this weekend.
it is 25 years old and was handmade by the husband of the lady we
purchased it from. my husband found it and it wasn't what i had
in mind of the bench i am looking for but i said sure.
we love this bench. it was the only thing worth talking about
from our thrifty weekend.
i am still on the hunt for a long long bench for our new big kitchen
table, but this one will be a nice seat for now.:)

new house posts coming soon!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

yarn bombing in pittsburgh

ok so i told you guys i would be on the look out for this
and here it is!! a yarn bombing in pittsburgh.
as you can see this is a beautiful statue of pittsburghs own mr. rogers.
has been yarn bombed with a beautiful red crocheted sweater!
what a wonderful idea! this statue was put in 2009 our first year in the burgh.
we also went to the last time mr. rogers neighborhood was setup at WQED.
so here's how i found it. we were showing shea's brother around pittsburgh
and went by the steelers stadium on the north shore.
then i said and there's mr. rogers statue.
i then screamed "STOP! OMG I have to take a picture he has been bombed!"

this kids mom fussed at him for getting in my picture and i said that's
what he's here for.:)
this real great lady was asked to make a sweater for him!
i am stoked i got to see this and take pictures to share!
i think mr. rogers would have loved his giant red sweater!